A Look Inside My Summer CSA Box (Plus Recipes!)

My CSA Box - Local, Organic Foods

I’m a huge supporter of local, organic food and sustainable farming practices. You may have even heard me talk about SOUL food before (short for sustainable, organic, unadulterated, and local). It’s so important for our own personal health, but also for the health and future of our planet, that we choose SOUL foods whenever possible.

So this week I partnered with a local San Diego farm called J.R. Organics to write about the many benefits of CSA boxes!

If you haven’t heard of a CSA before, it stands for community supported agriculture. Essentially, it’s a way for you to get seasonal, farm-fresh produce directly from a local farmer! Generally, you can choose the size of your box and the frequency (weekly vs. bi-weekly) to suit your personal needs. Some CSA boxes even include meats, eggs, fresh flowers, and more!

J.R. Organics CSA Box - Eat Local Foods | Lia Nicole Nutrition + Wellness

I chose J.R. Organics’ small CSA box and this is what came inside it this week:


Perfect for salads, lettuce wraps, “buns,” and adding to wraps and sandwiches, you can never have too much lettuce. It’s a good source of chlorophyll and vitamins A, C, and K. And don’t forget - the darker the leaf, the better! Darker lettuces like red leaf and romaine are more nutritious than iceberg or butter lettuce.

Paleo Burgers with Caramelized Balsamic Onions and Avocado on a Lettuce Bun
Vegan Mediterranean Salad


Carrots are one of the best sources of vitamin A (beta carotene) - just two carrots provide over four times the RDA! They’re a perfect grab-and-go snack to pair with hummus, guac, or peanut butter. Or, try them in one of the recipes below!

Simple Healthy Coleslaw
Perfect Roasted Carrots (Three Ways!)

Dino Kale

A member of the cabbage family, kale comes in several varieties - curly kale, ornamental kale, and dino kale. Dino kale specifically has dark blue-green leaves and a slightly sweet flavor. All types of kale are super nutrient dense, though - high in vitamin C, B vitamins, calcium, beta carotene, and chlorophyll.

Sautéed Kale
Kale Chips
All-Dressed Kale Chips


I got green cabbage in my CSA box, but there are actually three main types of cabbage - green, red, and Savoy. Cabbage contains exceptionally high levels of polyphenols and other phytonutrients giving it powerful cancer-fighting powers.

Simple Healthy Coleslaw


Blueberries, affectionately called “bluebs” by yours truly, are super nutrient dense. They’re high in fiber, vitamin C, and antioxidants (especially anthocyanidins, responsible for blueberries’ deep blue color) and have may help protect against cancer, Alzheimer’s, UTI’s, vision problems, and constipation.

Blueberry Cobbler Overnight Oats
Blueberry Protein Pancakes


Tangerines, a type of mandarin orange, are high in vitamin C and flavonoids and are great for boosting the immune system, improving adrenal health, and supporting connective tissue. Peel and eat for a simple snack on the go or use them in a recipe!

Tangerine + Mint Infused Water
Tangerine Turmeric Antioxidant Smoothie
Bob Harper’s Tangerine Dream Cocktail


Did you know strawberries are the most popular berries in the world?? They’re high in vitamin C, vitamin K, fiber, and flavonoids (especially anthocyanidins). They’ve been shown to protect against cancer, heart disease, and inflammation. They can also be used to naturally whiten teeth!

Strawberry Avocado Spinach Salad With Poppyseed Dressing
Healthy Patriotic Popsicles

If you’re ever unsure of an ingredient in your CSA box, you can reach out to your local farm for some tips and recipes or simply use Google – don’t be scared! Use this as an opportunity to try new foods and have some fun!


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