7 Natural Hangover Cures

Lia holding a skinny margarita

Labor Day is just around the corner and that means a three-day weekend is in store for a lot of us...which also means there will likely be a lot of (over)indulging in adult beverages.

Save yourself the dreaded aftermath by following these tips to prevent a hangover from you-know-where:

  1. Alternate alcohol and water

    You'll never be able to escape your mom's advice, so I figured I'd just get it out of the way first. Pack water if you'll be out and about or get in the habit of asking for water each time you order a drink at the bar. Drink coconut water before bed and the next morning to rehydrate and replenish lost electrolytes.

  2. Remember to eat

    Eat a healthy balanced meal before drinking to help the alcohol absorb more slowly. Include a mix of carbohydrates (vegetables, sweet potato, quinoa), protein (chicken, beef, fish), and healthy fats (avocado, olive oil, coconut, seeds and nuts). Snack throughout the day or evening to keep your blood sugar stable and prevent your blood alcohol concentration from getting too high.

  3. Try magnesium for headaches

    Give your liver a break and opt for magnesium instead of ibuprofen or aspirin for your hangover headache. There is evidence to suggest 400-500mg of the inflammation-fighting mineral may do the trick. If you're a coffee drinker, a cup of caffeinated coffee the morning after can also help.

  4. Take a B-complex vitamin

    Drinking alcohol depletes your body of many vitamins and minerals, B vitamins among them. Take a B-complex vitamin the day of and the morning after to replenish hangover-fighting B6 and B12.

  5. Love your liver

    As far as your liver's concerned, you're in the dog house for the next day or so. Give your liver some love and aid your body's natural detox system by eating cruciferous veggies (broccoli, cauliflower) and other sulfur-rich foods (eggs, garlic, onion). Dandelion and milk thistle also support the liver and aid in detoxification.

  6. Ease nausea with ginger

    Skip sugary ginger ale and opt instead for herbal ginger tea to soothe your stomach and help with nausea.

  7. Sweat it out

    Once you've rehydrated and refueled, hit the gym or sauna for 20-30 minutes (keep it short) to sweat out some of the toxins from the night before. Just be sure to keep hydrated and continue to drink plenty of water.

I guess I also have to say the best way to prevent a hangover is to simply stop drinking once you feel a slight buzz or avoid drinking altogether. But you already knew that, so try one or all of the tricks above to prevent and treat your hangover naturally the next time you overdo it.

Cheers to a hangover-free weekend! 


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