Can Toxins Lead to Weight Gain?

Lia washing a red bell pepper

We all know that weight gain is a result of eating more calories than we burn, right?

Welllll, not exactly.

The fact is, weight gain, overweight, and obesity are so much more complex than that. In fact, more and more research is pointing to toxins as a major contributor to weight gain and obesity.

These obesity-causing toxins, aptly named “obesogens,” interrupt our basic metabolic processes and wreak havoc on our endocrine system, which can lead to weight gain. Studies show that obesogens can alter our number of fat cells, insulin sensitivity, body weight set point, metabolism, gut bacteria, and even our gene expression!

So the old calories in, calories out theory is just a small piece of the weight loss puzzle.

To limit your exposure to obesogens and other toxins, start taking measures to reduce your toxic load:

  1. Choose organic

    Choose organic meats and produce whenever possible. If you’re on a budget, prioritize buying organic meats, poultry, dairy, and eggs, and fruits and veggies on the dirty dozen list.

  2. Limit Processed Foods

    Avoid packaged foods with additives and artificial colors. I like the apps EWG Food Scores and Fooducate to quickly scan packaged food items and identify any iffy ingredients.

  3. Consider Your cookware

    Cook with stainless steel or ceramic cookware. Other cookware, especially non-stick cookware, typically has a toxic coating like Teflon and should be avoided.

  4. Go Plastic-Free

    Avoid plastics, especially single-use plastics and those that aren’t labeled BPA-free. Take extra care to not drink out of hot plastic water bottles or microwave plastic, since plastic is more likely to seep into your food and drinks when heated.

  5. Swap out your skincare

    Choose non-toxic makeup, personal hygiene, and cleaning products. It’s easier than ever to find non-toxic skincare and beauty products. Sephora now has their own Clean at Sephora label and even every-day stores like Target and Amazon carry toxin-free products and cleaning supplies. If you’re not sure how your current products stack up, download an app like EWG’s Skin Deep or the Think Dirty app and scan everything from your mascara to your toilet cleaner to get more info.

  6. Filter Your Water

    Use filtered water to drink, cook, and bathe. An undersink water filter is an eco-friendly and super simple way to drink and cook with filtered water without the hassle of filling water filter pitchers or restocking large water coolers.

If, after reading this, you’re tempted to do a crazy juice cleanse to detox, don’t (LOL). Just start making small changes today and begin swapping out your current food and products for toxin-free ones as you run out.

You’ll be reaping the benefits of your new lower-toxin lifestyle in no time!


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