Create Healthy Habits That Last (Without Relying on Willpower)

Episode 24 of the Two-Minute Wellness Podcast | Create Healthy Habits That Last (Without Relying on Willpower)



 Today, we're talking about how to make the healthiest choice, the easiest choice and why this simple shift can be such a game changer for your wellness journey.

Have you ever found yourself reaching for the easiest snack or skipping a workout because it felt too inconvenient? That is not a lack of willpower. It's human nature.

Our brains are literally wired to conserve energy and take the path of least resistance. That's why making healthy choices as simple as possible is the key to long-term success.

So, how do we do this? We start with our environment. So first, prepare for success. When healthy options are ready to go, you're way more likely to choose them. For example, chop veggies up ahead of time and portion out nuts or fruit for easy snacks, or batch cook a few healthy meals for the week.

Next, make healthy choices visible. You might know the saying out of sight, out of mind. That's also true for healthy snacks. So keep your fruit on the counter, put water bottles where you can grab them quickly, and store junk food out of sight - or better yet, don't buy it in the first place. I know that sometimes that is easier said than done, but I personally have way more self-control in the grocery store than I do in my home, so just keeping them out of the house can really help.

Then, simplify decisions. If you want to work out more, lay out your workout clothes the night before, or keep a pair of sneakers in your car, or sign up ahead of time for a workout class instead of planning it on the fly. These small actions remove friction and make it way easier to say yes to the things you want to be doing.

And finally, plan for your triggers. If you know you tend to snack late at night, have a healthier option ready like herbal tea or a piece of dark chocolate. Or find an alternative activity like journaling or reading to unwind.

It's not about relying on motivation or willpower. It's about designing a life where healthy choices feel automatic. So small tweaks to your environment can really make a big difference when it comes to sticking with your goals.

So this week, pick one small change to make the healthiest choice the easiest choice, and see how it shifts your habits. Let me know how it goes!


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