Pantry Makeover Series: Part 3

Tell me, is this you?

> Every day at 3 p.m., you find yourself pressing “23” on the vending machine at work because you need chocolate and you need it fast.

> Hanger, stress, and cravings frequently win you over and you get sucked into the drive-thru vortex.

If so, consider this post your saving grace. Print it out, frame it, make copies of it. Do whatever you need to do to remind yourself there are healthy, convenient alternatives during times of crisis.

Here are my favorite healthy snacks to keep on hand at home, pack for work, and keep in my purse or car:

Nuts and seed

This snack is easy, peasy lemon squeezy. Save money by buying raw or dry roasted nuts and seeds in the bulk aisle of your grocery store instead of buying them pre-packaged. If you tend to go overboard, portion them out into 1/4 cup glass jars and keep them in your desk drawer, car, or pantry for a super simple and healthy grab-and-go snack. Try almonds, walnuts, pistachios, pumpkin seeds, or Brazil nuts, or create your own mixture!

Dried fruit

I prefer fresh fruit since it is harder to overdo and keeps you fuller for longer, but dried fruit is also good to keep on hand. When you’re purchasing dried fruit, look for options without added sugar or preservatives. I love dried mango, goji berries, and dried apples :)


The bar aisle of the grocery store can be dangerous if you don’t know what you’re looking for. The claims on packages can be overwhelming, each brand fighting to appear “healthiest” - high in protein, high fiber, low sugar, vegan, paleo, gluten free, you name it! But just because a bar is high in protein or low in sugar doesn’t mean it’s healthy. Are they using genetically modified soy protein isolate to make it “high in protein?” Or artificial sweeteners to make it “low in sugar?” When deciding on a bar to purchase, try to choose ones with whole food ingredients that also have a good balance of carbs, protein and fat. Here are some brands I like:

  • Larabar. When you look at the nutrition facts, these bars appear high in sugar. But when you take a closer look at the ingredients list, the sugar comes from whole dates. The higher sugar content is still important to consider, but I love that these bars are made from whole foods and are naturally gluten-free. Plus, they come in tons of yummy flavors!

  • Epic. If you’re into savory bars, try these. With flavors like Chicken Sriracha and Bison Bacon Cranberry, these bars are high protein, low sugar and are made with humanely raised animal protein.

  • GoMacro. I don’t love that the first ingredient is brown rice syrup (a.k.a. sugar), but as a whole, the ingredients make the cut and these bars offer a great balance of carbs, protein, fiber, and fat.

  • Primal Kitchen Collagen Protein Bars. Primal Kitchen is a brand that I trust and they definitely come through with their collagen protein bars. The consistency is a little harder/ stickier (like KIND bars), but I am willing to make that sacrifice for quality ingredients in the convenience of a bar.

  • Perfect bars always feel like a decadent treat. They come in mini snack sizes too which are great for in between meals. They do have dairy, so if you’re sensitive, this bar isn’t for you. It’s also good to note this bar needs to be stored in the refrigerator (but can be left out for a few hours if you’re grabbing it as a snack for later). My favorite flavor is coconut peanut butter!

  • KIND bars are probably the most widely available on this list. Even though they’re not the best option per say, it’s worth adding them since you can pretty much find them anywhere, including gas stations and Starbucks.

Tortilla chips

When I am craving salty and crunchy or just flat out want some chips, I turn to organic corn tortilla chips. I also love Siete brand tortilla chips which are made with cassava. Keep some salsa and avocado on hand for dipping and you have yourself a pretty wholesome snack!


I LOVE popcorn. For a completely guilt-free snack, buy an inexpensive air popper or silicon microwave popper bowl on Amazon and make your own popcorn! Use organic popcorn kernels, olive or avocado oil spray (I use my Misto), and sea salt or Old Bay for a yummy salty snack.

I’m telling you - “fast” food doesn’t have to be unhealthy and throw you completely off track. Keep your pantry stocked with these healthy, convenient options and make sure you keep a stash at work and in your purse or car so you’re prepared when hunger strikes!

Do you have a favorite healthy bar or snack that didn’t make the list? Let me know in the comments!

**This blog post contains affiliate links. Any purchases made through such links will result in a small commission for me at no extra cost to you.


Pantry Makeover Series: Part 4


Pantry Makeover Series: Part 2