4 Simple Tips to Stop Cravings

Episode 21 of the Two-Minute Wellness Podcast | 4 Simple Tips to Stop Cravings



 Hey there, and welcome back to the Two-Minute Wellness podcast. Today, we're talking about cravings, a challenge so many of us face. Whether it's a sudden urge for sweets or that bag of chips calling your name after a long day, cravings are definitely common. But they don't have to control you.

So in this episode, I'm going to share some strategies to manage cravings in a way that feels really balanced and guilt- free.

First let's talk about food labels. And I don't mean the labels on the back, like the nutrition facts. I'm talking about when we label foods as good or bad. And when we do that, we create a lot of guilt around eating, especially when we eat those "bad" foods. And that guilt can actually make cravings worse.

We get stuck in that all or nothing trap. Like when we've had one piece of brownie and then we're like, oh, well, might as well just have another brownie, or two more brownies, or a lot more brownies. And that could just be a really hard cycle to break. So instead, give yourself permission to enjoy all foods. When you stop restricting, especially restricting yourself from those quote unquote “bad” foods, cravings lose their intensity and they also lose their power over you.

Next, balance your blood sugar. Cravings often come from energy dips caused by blood sugar spikes and crashes. So to prevent this, we're going to focus on balanced meals with protein, fiber-rich carbohydrates, and healthy fats. For example, instead of just having toast and butter for breakfast, add avocado and eggs to keep you satisfied for longer.

Now, let's talk about sleep. Poor sleep can throw off your hunger hormones, making cravings even harder to resist. If you're not getting enough rest, your body's going to seek quick energy from sugary or carbohydrate-heavy foods. I'm sure we've all experienced this. So prioritize seven to nine hours of sleep every night and build a bedtime routine that really helps you wind down like reading or meditating or something else really soothing before bed that you can look forward to.

Finally, fill your cup in other areas of life. Cravings aren't always about food. Sometimes they're a signal that we need something else, like a creative outlet, connection with friends and family members, or rest. When a craving hits, pause and ask yourself, am I actually hungry or do I need something else right now? Maybe it's a phone call with a friend, a walk outside, or just some time to journal.

So let's recap. To manage cravings:

  1. Remove food guilt by removing the labels you place on foods as good or bad.

  2. Balance your blood sugar by getting a good mix of fiber-rich carbohydrates, fats, and proteins at every meal.

  3. Get enough sleep, preferably seven to nine hours.

  4. And address your emotional needs by making sure you have close relationships that are being nourished, creative outlets, and other fun things going on in your life.

So with these strategies, hopefully you'll be able to approach your cravings with more curiosity and you'll be well on your way to fewer cravings and more balance.


This episode is brought to you by the Eat Freely Journal - the all-in-one mindful eating journal with the guidance, tips, recipes, weekly meal planner, and daily food journal you've been looking for to help you reach your goals and heal your relationship with food.

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Take the Quiz: Do you ever say to yourself, "I'll just have one" but then you just can't stop? This super short quiz will help you uncover the real reason you overeat so you can kick cravings, end binge eating, and feel more confident and in control around food.

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