Why FUN Goals Beat SMART Goals for Wellness and Weight Loss
Hey there, and welcome back to the Two-Minute Wellness podcast! Today, we're talking about New Year's resolutions and why the goals you set might need a little bit of a refresh, especially if they haven't worked in the past.
You've probably heard of SMART goals - they're specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time bound. And you might've even set these in the past. And while they can work for some things, they often fall short when it comes to wellness and weight loss.
So, a new type of goal setting that I would like to introduce to you is FUN goal setting. And FUN goals are flexible, uplifting, and numberless.
Today, I'm going to share how they work and why they might just be the key to a healthier, happier New Year for you.
So let's start with SMART goals. These are all about structure and they're great if you need precision, like completing a project at work, for example. But when it comes to something as personal as your wellness journey, they can feel really rigid.
So, for example, you might set a goal like lose 10 pounds in three months by working out three times a week. While it's specific, it's focused on an outcome that you can't always control and life gets busy and you might miss a workout. And if that happens, it's really easy to feel like you've failed.
That's where FUN goals really shine. They're designed more to work with your life, not against it. So, for the flexible, the F, instead of saying, I'll go to the gym three times a week. You might say, “I'll find ways to move my body this week, whether it's yoga, a walk, or dancing in my kitchen.” Flexibility allows you to adapt to the things that come up in your life without any of the guilt that might come with a more specific goal.
The U is for uplifting, and FUN goals focus on well, things that are fun! They focus on joy. So instead of striving for a number on the scale, you might say, “I want to feel more energized and more confident,” and that keeps your motivation high because the process itself just feels good. I like to say, let's make the journey as good as the destination and this really supports that.
Finally, the N in FUN stands for numberless. And you know, me, I am all about moving away from tracking numbers, especially when it comes to like calories and weight. So this is really supportive of that philosophy, too. So instead of obsessing over metrics like calories or pounds, you'll focus on behaviors like eating more veggies, drinking water, getting better sleep. These habits create long-term change without the pressure of constant tracking, which is so important for healing your relationship with food and for long-term success.
So, how can you get started with FUN goals? I would just start with a SMART goal that you've used in the past if you are familiar with SMART goals and this is what you're used to setting, and just reframe it. So if your SMART goal is, I want to lose 10 pounds, a fun version might be I'll experiment with new ways to add movement and nourishment into my routine so I feel stronger and healthier.
And that's it! Resolutions don't have to feel restrictive. They can feel really good. So this year try setting goals that are flexible, uplifting, and numberless. I promise it's a game changer.
And if you try this approach, let me know. I love to hear how it works for you. See you next week!
P.S. I got the idea for FUN goals from an article I read about Emily Ladau’s post on Instagram and loved it!
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