
Lia smiling and drinking a cup of tea

Hi there, I'm Lia! Welcome to my blog! 

I am a Nutrition Consultant and Wellness Coach and I am so excited to share my passion for everything health and wellness with you. My vision for this blog is that it would provide a space for women to come for simple, healthy recipes, sustainable living tips, and communion with other women on similar journeys. 

I suppose I should start the conversation by sharing my story with you!

For as far back as I can remember, I have been interested in the healing power of food. Even as a 3rd grader, I would choose to play 5-A-Day during my free time in computer lab, matching fruits and vegetables to the corresponding body parts they supported (carrot to eye, walnut to brain...). In middle school and high school, I started to learn more about nutrition and would experiment with recipes, swapping out white flour for whole wheat and sneaking in cauliflower to the mashed potatoes at Thanksgiving. It was around this time, too, that weight loss shows started premiering on TV and I developed a vision of becoming a health coach and nutritionist. 

In college, I majored in Health Sciences which exposed me to all aspects of health - exercise, nutrition, policy, and more. I dappled in personal training during and after college for a bit, but it didn't ignite the same fire as nutrition did for me. So, after moving from my hometown in VA to San Diego, CA in 2013 I decided to explore other areas. I became a certified Health Coach (ACE) and gained experience working in the field of corporate wellness and in a doctor's office setting. Last year, I decided to further my education in nutrition and go back to school to become a Nutrition Consultant...which led me to where I am today!

Well, sort of. 

The not-so-glamorous part of my story is that also for as far back as I can remember I struggled with body image. I was always comparing myself to other girls who I thought were prettier, skinnier, funnier, anything-er than me. As you might suspect, this eventually led me down a scary path of disordered eating and exercise behaviors. What started out as an innocent exploration of healthy foods quickly turned into an obsession. By Spring of my junior year of high school, my anorexia had gotten so bad, my doctor ordered me to quit the tennis team. I eventually started to gain weight, but not in a healthy way. I would control my eating during the day and then binge at night right before bed so I wouldn't have to think of all the calories I had consumed. These binging episodes took over, and I struggled with bulimia and binge eating for years. I loved food. I hated food. For years, my eating disorders ruled my life. Every thought, every action revolved around food. I had to keep entire separate wardrobes to accommodate my ever-changing weight. 

When I was at my heaviest weight, I decided enough was enough and joined Weight Watchers. I am super type A so naturally I loved the idea of tracking my food. It took a lot of patience and dedication, but eventually I got back down to a healthy weight. Maintaining that weight was another story. As much as I feared giving up the control of tracking my food, I knew the only way to be truly "free" was to trust my body and put the tracker away. Forever. This also meant no more "diet" foods, no more exercising for the sake of burning calories. I was certain I was going to gain weight again.

But guess what?

For the first time in my entire life, I have been able to effortlessly maintain a healthy weight. Yep, I said effortlessly. Ok, so I don't mean I put zero effort into leading a healthy lifestyle. But I know if I eat well most of the time, I can occasionally enjoy fro-yo or chocolate covered almonds or pizza without even thinking twice about it. Movement is more important than "exercise" and I push my body when I feel it needs a little extra bump in the rump, but most days yoga, walking, or a gentle jog do just fine! And if I don't have time to exercise or simply don't have the energy, I just pick it back up when it feels right. 

In a nutshell, this journey has been a long and winding road but I couldn't be happier with where it's led me. If you identify with some or most of my story, then you are in the right place. Even if you don't, I am sure you will find value in the recipes, tips, and tidbits I plan to share here. I'd love to hear your story or take any questions or suggestions for future blog posts, so please leave your comments below!


Chia Pudding