Habit Stacking: How to Make Habits Stick

Episode 10 of the Two-Minute Wellness Podcast | Habit Stacking: How to Make Habits Stick



Today I want to talk about habit stacking, and this is a really easy way to make new habits stick. Basically anything you're wanting to add to your routine, let's use like taking your vitamins for example. So if I want to start taking my vitamins every single day but I'm having a hard time sticking to this routine, I'm going to try to find something else that I already do every day and I'm going to stack my new habit on to that one.

So, for example, I make a cup of coffee every morning, and if I leave my vitamins right next to the coffee machine, I am way more likely to take them than if I were to leave them somewhere else where I might not necessarily see them or think to take them.

When I wanted to start tongue scraping, which if you haven't heard of tongue scraping, I can talk about that on another episode. Um, but when I wanted to start tongue scraping, I just simply stacked it with my morning teeth brushing routine. So I would tongue scrape, brush my teeth and move on with my day. I would keep my tongue scraper in the same cup as my toothbrush. So I, I mean, I would have to make an effort to not do it in the morning. You know, like I see it when I grab my toothbrush.

So do yourself a favor and make new habits easier for you by stacking them with other things that you're already doing automatically every day.

Have fun making new habits. I don't know how to close these episodes. I'm still working on that, but anyway, I hope this is helpful and I will see you next week!


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