Simple Self-Guided Meditation

Episode 11 of the Two-Minute Wellness Podcast | Simple Self-Guided Meditation



Hi! So, today I want to do something a little different, and I'm going to lead us through a super short meditation. I started recording my own meditations a couple years ago. I find it really hard to concentrate during meditations and only focus on my breath or a mantra and my brain goes a thousand different directions, but I found that when I talk to myself, like when I tell myself my own meditations, it helps me bring the focus back to what I really should be focusing on, which is just the present, the present moment.

So I'm going to lead us through a meditation, but this is mostly just to be like your gateway drug basically to recording your own meditations if you struggle with meditating the same way I do. And it should basically just show you how simple it can be.

You only need a minute or two to calm your breath, calm your mind and bring your focus back to the here and now. So this is just a super simple two-minute seated meditation.

So if you're not already, either pause this and find a comfortable seat or save it to come back to later when you can be comfortably seated somewhere.

But if you're ready, go ahead and close your eyes, drop in.

Relax, knowing you have nowhere else to be and nothing else to do.

Check in with your breath. Place one hand on your belly and one hand on your heart. Feel your breath nourish your body as you breathe in. And let it clear your mind as you breathe out.

Let's just sit here like this for a minute. Breathe in. Breathe out.

Let your worries wash away. And come back to yourself.

Notice as your belly expands. And feel the tension release from your chest.

Relax your jaw. Let go of any worries.

Now release your hands to your lap. Flutter open your eyes.

Take this sense of peace and relaxation with you throughout the day. Remember, there's no need to rush, no need to worry, just be.

I hope you found this helpful and I hope it encouraged you to just open up your voice memo app on your phone and record your own couple of super short meditations to come back to over and over again throughout the day or throughout the week whenever you need it.


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