Healthy Snack Roundup: 10 Healthiest Grab-and-Go Snacks

Cashews and fruit in bowls for a healthy snack

We’ve all been there… we have our meals perfectly planned for the week and are feeling great heading into Monday. Our breakfast is planned, lunch is packed, and dinner is prepped. But what happens when it’s 3:00PM at the office, your energy is dipping and your stomach is growling? Did you remember to pack a healthy snack?

A lot of times our slip-up’s don’t happen during main meals. It’s the sneaky office snack attacks or our hectic weekend schedules that throw us off track. Keep these 10 healthy snack foods handy so you’re always prepared when the munchies hit:

  1. Mixed nuts

    It’s easy to get carried away with nuts, so buy them pre-portioned or save some money by portioning them out yourself. Place 1/4 cup raw or lightly toasted nuts into small glass containers so they’re easy to grab and go. Tip: Reuse minced garlic jars, baby food jars, jam jars, etc. for snacks like mixed nuts - they’re the perfect size :)

  2. fresh fruit

    Apples, bananas, Cuties, and plums are perfect snacks to keep on hand! Plus, eating fruit as a snack between meals instead of with meals may be better for your digestion.

  3. Hard boiled eggs

    Boil a half dozen organic eggs in the beginning of the week to have on hand when hunger strikes. I love adding a dash of hot sauce to my hard boiled eggs - Trader Joe’s yuzu hot sauce is my favorite!

  4. Yogurt

    You can buy portion-size yogurts to save time, but if you’re on a budget, buy a large tub of plain organic yogurt and divide into small glass containers for a grab-and-go snack throughout the week. Add pumpkin seeds, cinnamon, and a drizzle of honey for flavor and texture.

  5. Dried fruit

    Perhaps not as good for you as whole, fresh fruit, but dried fruit definitely beats the alternative (candy bar, chips, cookies, etc.)! Try dried mango, dried apples, or freeze-dried berries for a sweet treat. Since dried fruit doesn’t have as much water (which helps fill you up) as fresh fruit, it’s easy to overdo it. Just keep an eye on portion size and steer clear of dried fruit with added sugar or preservatives.

  6. Bars

    The bar aisle is a tricky one to navigate at the grocery store, but if you stick to a few guidelines you’ll be A-OK! Look for whole food ingredients and aim for a balance of fiber, protein, and healthy fats to curb hunger. Try to keep added sugar to a minimum - watch out for lingo like brown rice syrup, cane sugar and evaporated cane juice in the ingredients. These are all just code words for sugar. Some other ingredients to steer clear of include natural flavors (if possible), processed soy and whey (this may show as isolate or some other form), and inflammatory oils like safflower, canola, or palm kernel oil. Some of my favorite bars are RXBAR, Larabar, Perfect Bar, and Kind bars. TIP: I recommend downloading an app like Fooducate to use while you’re shopping. You just scan or type in your food and it “grades” your food based on the ingredients. Pretty nifty!

  7. Jerky sticks

Jerky sticks can be a super convenient sources of protein and a great savory snack. You’ll want to choose ones that are made from grass-fed beef without added sugar or preservatives. I love CHOMPS and Country Archer Provisions - they’re both great brands committed to these standards.

  1. Nut butter

    Nut butter is great to spread onto fresh fruit (apples and bananas, especially), celery, or plain rice cakes for a complete snack full of fiber, fat and protein. It’s also great on its own! You can use peanut butter, almond butter, sunflower seed butter or a mixed nut butter like Trader Joe’s mixed nut butter or Nuttzo. Companies like YumButter and Justin’s make super convenient pre-portioned packs of squeezable nut butters that are perfect to keep in your purse or desk drawer for a healthy snack in a pinch. Just try not to get sucked in by some of the flavored kinds that may contain added sugar. You can also make your own nut butter!

  2. Avocado

    All you need is a knife and spoon for this one! A half an avocado contains healthy fats to hold you over until dinner and tastes delish with a splash of hot sauce or a sprinkle of Everything Bagel seasoning on top! Tip: Eat the side without the pit first since storing avocado with the pit can help preserve it.

  3. Roasted chickpeas

    You’re probably asking yourself, “beans for a snack???” Yep! They’re full of hunger-fighting fiber and protein and the best part is you can find (or make) them in both sweet and savory flavors to satisfy any craving. Pst! Try this recipe for roasted curry chickpeas!

And that’s a wrap! If you have some go-to snacks that help you stay on track, I’d love to know! Tell me your favorites in the comments below!


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