Mindset Shifts: Turning Slip-Ups Into Success

Episode 01 of the Two-Minute Wellness podcast | Mindset Shifts: Turning Slip-Ups Into Success



 I'm recording this first episode on my birthday, my 34th birthday, the day after a new moon. So it feels kind of, I don't know, crazy, cool, symbolic that I'd be starting something new on this day. And I think I'm going to take this first episode to just talk about the idea of fresh starts.

I know when you're trying to eat healthy, and especially like in the beginning phases of trying a new lifestyle, it can feel like you always have to be like “on plan.” And if you eat something unhealthy, or if you overeat, or you've gone a couple of days and you haven't had a vegetable, you're tempted to go down this spiral of "ah, might as well just throw in the towel" or "I'll never be able to eat healthy, I'm such a failure", those types of thoughts. And those thoughts are not serving you.

And you also don't have to wait until the end of the day, or the end of the week, or the end of the month to start over. You can start over immediately.

And something that's helped me is to pick a couple of behaviors that will help you switch mindsets like instantly. So if you overate, you're feeling down in the dumps, you're feeling like, “ah, I might as well just eat like crap the rest of the day, or the rest of the week, or start again on Monday,” do something right away that will trigger that reset mindset.

So some things that have worked for me: I like to brush my teeth. I don't know what it is about brushing my teeth, washing my face is the same way for me. It just like helps me restart. I've also laid in bed for 15 minutes and then woken up and brushed my teeth, washed my face, like, just pretend like I'm restarting the entire day. And honestly it works.

Some other things that have helped me: going for a walk. It can be five minutes around the block, but it just helps you clear your head. It gets your body moving, which in and of itself is a healthy habit. So that helps just prove to yourself that you can be healthy. You can achieve your goals. You can have a cupcake and still walk. And like, you don't have to just eat 10 cupcakes and never move your body again, just because you had one, right?

Like it's sounds so crazy when you say it out loud. But I understand completely that that is the mindset that we get ourselves in. Like, “oh, well I already blew it might as well just like sit on the couch for the next 36 hours and eat all the ice cream in the freezer.” It sounds so silly, but that's what we do to ourselves.

So create a list. It could be making yourself a nice cup of tea, brushing your teeth, washing your face. It could be breathwork, a short little yoga sequence, going for a walk. It could be calling a friend. Whatever will help you shift your mindset right away so that you don't have to wait until the end of the day, you don't have to wait until the end of the week, or the end of the month to start over. You can start over right now.

So make the list, put it on your phone, next to your computer on your desk, on your fridge, wherever you need so you have it when you need it.


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